School Newsletter Week 3, Term 1 2022
New Staff at our Kura
This week we introduce two new staff members at our kura
Mariana Gordon - Kaiako / Deputy Principal
Kia Whakatāne au i ahau!
I whānau mai ahau i tēnei wāhi o Whakatāne . Ko tōku tamarikitanga i tipu ahau mai Tāneatua.
Mai tōku maunga tipu o Maungapōhatu te manawa whenua.
Ka tirohia te rere o ngā wai o te awa o Tauranga e hono ki te awa o Te Waimana e.
Nō Ngāi Tūhoe me Aitutaki ahau.
Kia mau ahau te taura ki te waka Mātaatua e kī mai ana “Kia Whakatāne au i ahau!”
Tēnā koutou e ngā whānau o Motueka Kura.
My name is Māriana Gordon born in Whakatāne, raised in Tāneatua.
My education is from Tāneatua Primary School, Whakatane Intermediate then on to boarding school at Turakina Māori Girls College finishing my secondary bursary at Trident High School Form 7 (Year 13).
My Tertiary education was Waikato University - Teachers Training College graduating with a Master of Education (First Class Honours) majoring in Maori Literacy in Rumaki Reo.
I am honoured tō be selected by the Board of Trustees and our Tumuaki matua Rikki as a Deputy Principal and to head this new initiative of implementing Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga through out the school and to also set up a total Māori immersion class that is whānau driven in partnership with the already established school curriculum.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini
“My success does not come from me alone, but by the collective”
Roimata Gordon - Kaiawhina
Ko Maungapōhatu tōku maunga tipua
Ko Tauranga tōku awa e rere ana
Ko Mātaatua me Horouta ōku waka
Nō Ngāi Tūhoe me Ngāti Porou ahau
Ko Mariana Gordon rāua ko Dallas Toko ōku mātua
Ko Roimata Gordon ahau.
I have a Diploma in Animation (Level 5) and currently in my last year of completing my Bachelor degree in Maori Performing Arts (Level 7) at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanauiarangi.
My education has been through Te Reo o Tūhoe Kōhanga Reo, Kawerau Central School (Rumaki Reo), Te kura a iwi o Te Whatatau o Pūtauaki (Intermediate/ Secondary), Yoobee College (Tertiary), Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi (Tertiary).
My education reflects what I love tō do, which is Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga. Art both visual hard copy and on digital devices.
My passion in Art is not only through drawing, but also performing through kapa haka.
My experience as a kaiāwhina started last year at Nawton School in Hamilton under the guidance and tutelage of head of Rumaki Reo - my mum Whaea Māriana.
I hope to be a role model to our tamariki and to assist the management and staff of Allandale School to achieve their goals for our tamariki o te Kura o Motueka.
Nō reira e ngā whānau o te Kura o Motueka
Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa
“Work as one for the wellbeing of everyone”
School Housekeeping
All students from Year 4 up are required to wear masks while indoors. We are providing tamariki with masks but they are welcome to bring their own.
Please ensure your child has a drink bottle for school as our water fountains are closed.
Swimming has started at school. It’s a great idea for tamariki to bring their togs everyday and we are asking that togs are not borrowed by other children.
Please name all school uniform and shoes. It is much easier to return clothing when it is named.
Navy blue sun hats are part of our school uniform for Terms 1 and 4.
We are part of the Free Lunches in School programme. If your child is new to Allandale and has any allergies or dietary requirements, please let the office know so we can ensure that everyone is catered for.
Rippa Rugby
EBOP Rugby is running an after school competition this term, starting Monday 7th of March. Please return permission slips with payment to our office. The number of teams we can have depends on the amount of support we get from whānau so if you can help coach or manage a team please let us know.
Tamariki Safety
Just a reminder that our front school gate is locked at 8.15am every morning until 9am and then locked again in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 3.00pm. If you do find yourself locked in at these times, we cannot unlock the gate. This is to ensure that our tamariki are safe while entering and exiting school during the busy periods.
If riding a bike or scooter to school, a bike helmet is compulsory. After school, if children don’t have a helmet, they will not be able to ride their bike or scooter home. We look after them here at school until they bring a helmet.
Pupil Details
We will be sending home student record sheets for every child.. Can you please check we have the correct phone numbers, address, and emails. We also need up to date details for alternative whanau or friends we can contact in an emergency. You can write on the record sheet and have your child return it to our office, or you can email us at with any changes. Thank you whānau.