School Newsletter: Week 1, Term 3 2021
Tena koutou katoa,
Thank you for your aroha over the past couple of weeks. Super appreciative and look forward to getting into this term.
Welcome to our new students, whānau and staff. Trysh, Stacey, Carene who are our new teachers and we are fortunate enough to have 4 new teacher aides - Mere, Rahera, Shinoa and Joe who is starting in Week 5. Welcome e te whānau.
We’ve adjusted our daily timetable for the term. Please see below:
- 8.45 - 10.30: Learning Block 1
- 10.30 - 10.40: Brainfood
- 10.40 - 11.00: Morning Tea Break
- 11.00 - 12.30: Learning Block 2
- 12.30 - 12.45: Lunch Eating
- 12.45 - 1.20: Lunch Break
- 1.20 - 2.40: Learning Block 3
Noho ora mai
Matua Rikki
Despite the torrential rain on Monday we had a wonderful start to the term with the powhiri for our new students, staff and Tumuaki Rikki Horlock. There was a great show of support and our tamariki once again did us proud.
School assemblies will now be on Friday afternoons in our hall - Te Kaitiaki o Motueka - at 2pm. This is for the whole school and is when we do our Allandale Kind of Kids rewards. Whanau are welcome to come along and be part of the end of week celebrations.
School Library
There are a lot of overdue library books out at the moment. Your child will bring a slip home if they have an overdue book. Can you please look under beds, on bookshelves, behind couches for any Allandale library books or school readers.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is back! Every morning in our school hall from 8am to 8.30am. Weetbix, toast and milos. A perfect way to start the chilly mornings.
Free School Lunches
The Free School lunches programme continues to be popular with our tamariki and this week they have already enjoyed mashed potatoes with meatballs, chicken sandwiches, penne bolognese and nachos.
Last term we trialled having an earlier lunchtime and found this to be a great success. We will be continuing with the 12.30pm time for eating kai and then play will be after this.
Tough Guy/Tough Gal
This is a fun day spent in Rotorua running through the mud and fields at Lakes Ranch. This year Tough Guy is Thursday 19th of August and is open to Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The cost is $25 per child. Please have your forms and money handed into our school office by next Friday 6th of August. This is always a popular activity and it’s great to have it back after having to cancel last year’s event due to Covid.
Teacher Only Day
Along with the other schools in our Community of Learning (COL) we have a Teachers’ Only Day coming up Wednesday 11 August. School will be closed for the day as our staff engage in workshops learning about our local iwi, Ngati Awa.
Three students from Allandale are in the local production of “Annie”. Darcy Tidd, McKenzie Tidd and Madison Baker.
School Banking
First Credit Union collects school banking from our office every Wednesday morning. If you would like your children to join the school banking programme, please see Josie or Kleesha in the office.
We gratefully accept any donations of second hand uniform as we can pass it on to whanau or keep here for spare uniform.
If you do have any uniform to donate, please hand in to our school office, not the lost property bins. Thank you.
School Bikes
Tamariki at Allandale are lucky enough to have school bikes to ride at lunchtime. Our school policy is that if you have wheels on your feet, you need a helmet on your head. We do have helmets for children to use when riding the school bikes but they are welcome to wear their own helmets if they want to.